Tips & Gifts

6 Reasons to Celebrate Mother’s Day

- 31 March 2016

It may seem like every month there is another “Hallmark” holiday that needs to be taken care of with cards, gifts and good cheer. Springtime not only brings the Easter bunny, but on his bunny-heeled trail comes Mother’s Day. However, Mother’s Day is one of those celebrations we should take time out of our busy lives to recognize. After all, we all have (or had) a mother and without her, we would not be here today.

Easy Mother’s Day Crafts

- 25 March 2016

Mother’s Day is the one day of the year that is specially dedicated to moms everywhere, wouldn’t it be nice to show her your love with something other than the run-of-the-mill card and flowers? Making something for mom from the heart doesn’t have to be difficult or take a master crafter like Ms. Stewart to pull off. If you want to make something special for mom this Mother’s Day read on. We have found some of the easiest, yet fantastic gifts you can make to impress your mother this Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day Around the World

- 15 March 2016

Regardless of where you live, we all have mothers. And in honor of moms everywhere, a special day is dedicated just to her. Mother’s Day is celebrated throughout the world in different ways and on different days. In the US and Canada, Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of May. Traditionally, this is a day where flower and card sales soar through the roof, but not all cultures buy into this brand of celebration.

How to Surprise Mom on Mother’s Day

- 10 March 2016

Remember as a kid when it was so easy to surprise Mom on Mother’s Day? We would dream up all sorts of artist masterpieces that we just knew Mom would love and got busy painting, gluing and coloring our way into her heart. However, as we (and our mothers) grow and age, it can become more difficult to truly surprise her on Mother’s Day. Sure television and retailers would have us believe that flowers and cards are the only way to go on this special occasion, yet this is too easy and predictable and doesn’t pack a whole lot of punchie-surprise.

Name a Star as a Thank You Gift

- 9 March 2016

Whether you want to thank a loved one for doing something special, or you want to thank a coworker for going above and beyond, nothing says thank you like an unforgettable gift from the Online Star Register (OSR)! Not only can you create a personalized Star Page, each gift pack also comes with a the OSR Star Finder app so you can locate your star in the night sky.

The Best New Year’s Eve Hangover Cures

- 1 January 2016

Oh, the upset stomach, dehydration and pounding headache of the morning after the late night festivities. You drank too much ringing in the new year and now you are paying for it. If it makes you feel any better (which it won’t) you’re not alone. The traditional overindulging-drink-fest has been going on for decades and people have been vowing each January first to make it their last. Although this muttered promise rarely lasts and you will most likely find yourself talking to the porcelain bowl again this season, be prepared with some hangover remedies to help you through the rough spots.

New Year Resolutions for 2017

- 31 December 2015

After we have decked our halls with boughs and balls we have the new year celebration to look forward to. The new year is a time, not only for raging parties, but also a time to reflect back on the past year. A time when we can ask ourselves, “what did I do right and what mistakes did I make?”

New Year Wishes, Ready For You to Copy

- 30 December 2015

This simple sentence can be hollered, hugged, smooched or “hoorahed” with a hangover. But before you get too inebriated to remember which one of these traditions you followed, be sure to make your sentiments known, beforehand, to all your family and friends with a new year wishes greeting card.

Ideas for the Perfect Christmas Party

- 18 December 2015

Christmas is a great season to gather friends, family, co-workers and even the neighbors together for holiday fun and festivities. Traditional holiday parties have been a favorite for years; however, they have come a long way since I was a child. I remember my parent’s Christmas parties consisted of phone calls to the invitee’s, an assortment of alcohol and various finger foods placed in bowls and plates on our dining room table. No fuss, just good Christmas cheer.