
The Science Behind a Shooting Star

- 7 November 2016

Have you ever seen a shooting star? These streaks of light are cool to capture a glimpse of, but did you know they are actually not stars at all? Read on to discover some fascinating facts about these celestial wonders.

Spooky Out-Of-This World Storms

- 30 October 2016

What is more scary than a dark stormy night? A dark stormy night on another planet. Check out these creepy, frightful storms that are out-of-this world spooky. But beware, you may not be able to sleep after reading this.

Find Andromeda this Autumn

- 15 October 2016

Andromeda, CassiopeiaTill Credner, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

There are many of constellations in our night sky. Some are more visible during certain times of the year. Andromeda is one constellation that is easier to locate this autumn in the Northern hemisphere and it is also visible to those living in the Southern parts of the world. Check out these fun facts on this fascinating grouping of stars.

Space Blobs? They Are Out There!

- 28 September 2016

Did you know there are giant blobs in outer space? Lyman-Alpha blobs are some of the most rarest, yet fascinatig occupants of space that scientists have ever seen.

Let’s explore these mysterious blobs to discover what they are all about.

Sky Gazing Into the Past

- 24 September 2016

Did you know when you spot a star in the night sky that you are actually viewing the past? Since some stars, planets and galaxies are located so far away, the light we see from them here on Earth may have been emitted years, decades and even centuries ago.

Let’s do some star-gazing into the past.

Out Of This World Craters!

- 17 September 2016

Did you know Earth was once hit by a huge chunk of space rock around 65 million years-ago? It is thought to be what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. But Earth isn’t the only planet that has been impacted by the collision of space rocks. Mars, Mercury and our moon also have “dents” left behind from crashing debris. Let’s explore some of the most massive impact craters that are out of this world.

What Would It Be Like to Live on Mars?

- 10 September 2016

What would it be like to live on Mars? Scientists are trying to figure that out right now. They are doing this to see if perhaps, one day, people could actually travel to and live on this dusty planet. However, being on Mars won’t be anything like it is here on Earth. Check out what it would be like to live on this martian planet.

Junk Junk Everywhere, Even in Space

- 2 September 2016

NASA image, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Is your room full of stuff? Have you ever been told you have too much junk? If this is true, you may need to do a thorough cleaning of your room. But did you know there is lots of stuff floating around in space? This is called “space junk” and it can cause quite a problem. Read on to discover what space junk is all about.

What Would Aliens Look Like?

- 27 August 2016

What do you think aliens would look like? Would they be tall or small? What color would their skin be? Do you believe they would have great big eyes on super-large heads or just normal? Let’s explore the world of aliens to discover what these beings may actually look like.